I don't know either

They say past is past. We need to move on too see the future. But how can we move on when our past is the only thing we ever wanted in the future...

Sometimes we picture ourselves as a tiny insignificant star,chasing a beautiful moon. But little did we know that we are being followed and loved by a patient cloud...

I'm scared to care too much,to miss too much,to feel that rush once more,to love again at the risk of getting hurt. But what I fear most is the thought of you leaving me,when I've already conquered those fears for you.....

Someday someone might come into your life and love you the way you've always wabted. If your someday was yesterday,learn. If your someday is tomorrow,hope. If your someday is today,cherish...

You asked me whose life was more important-yours or mine and I answered "mine",you walked away angry not knowing that you are my life...

If Death would need one more soul and he asks me to choose between you and me,what I'm gonna do is ask him for one more minute then I'll hug you as tight as I could and tell Death,"Let's go.I'm ready!"

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